PARKE COUNTY, Ind – On Sunday the Parke County Sheriff’s Office was called about an ATV accident that occurred on CR 300 S. in rural Rockville.
Officers say that 15 year old Brecken Lewis of Rockville was operating on off road ATV on CR 300 when he drove off of the side of the road. Lewis then over corrected and the ATV rolled over three times before coming to rest on its side.
Brecken and her passenger, 16 year old Morgan Newnum of Rockville were both thrown form the ATV.
Brecken was taken to Union Hospital in Terre Haute for complaint of pain to her neck, shoulder, back, numerous abrasions and contusions,
Newnum was also transported to Union Hospital in Terre Haute with complaints of pain to her back and knees. Morgan was later transported to Riley Hospital for her injuries.
Both driver and passenger were wearing helmets at the time of the accident.