INDIANA – Expanding how we education Hoosiers is the goal of Indiana’s Commissioner for Higher Education Teresa Lubbers.
In her State of Higher Education Address released last week, Lubbers said higher learning must become more affordable and applicable for every kind of student, and employ multiple approaches rather than a one-size-fits-all model.
She said Indiana currently has a culture where you can get good paying job without some sort of education after high school.
“That’s increasingly not the case,” Lubber told Inside Indiana Business. “99-percent of the new jobs that have been created since the recession require some sort of education beyond high school.”
She clarifies that that doesn’t necessarily have to be a four-year degree.
Lubbers is hoping to push a new initiative at Indiana’s colleges where they can create “multiple pathways” for people to get the same certifications and degrees they need to get the high paying job they desire.