INDIANAPOLIS — Investigators with Animal Recovery Mission held a press conference on Wednesday afternoon to discuss their undercover investigation of the animal abuse at Fair Oaks Farms in Jasper County.
A.J. Garcia, Director of Investigations for ARM, says they wanted to prove the abuse was not a “one-off moment,” which is why they did multiple investigations at the farms.
He also explained why they waited to release the videos.
“The investigation was still on-going,” Garcia said. “So if we were to release our cases to the media, it would’ve put the investigator’s life in danger.”
Garcia added that Fair Oaks Farms is “one of hundreds, if not thousands” of dairy farms across the United States where animal cruelty happens.
On Tuesday, the Newton County Sheriff’s Office released the names of three men facing animal cruely charges. 31-year-old Santiago Ruvalcaba Contreros, 36-year-old Edgar Gardozo Vazquez and 38-year-old Miguel Angel Navarro Serrano face misdemeanor beating of a vertebrate animal charges.
cover photo A.J. Garcia, Director of Investigations for ARM
New video released by Animal Recovery Mission
Fair Oaks Farms Response, click picture