Democrat Legislator Considers Run For Governor


INDIANAPOLIS – An Indianapolis state legislator is weighing a run for governor.

Democratic Representative Karlee Macer says she hasn’t made a final decision — she says she’s talking with her family about whether to seek the nomination against Governor Eric Holcomb. But she’s outlining a drain-the-swamp campaign focused on what she charges is a lack of “moral leadership” from Republicans.

She ticks off a list ranging from groping allegations against Attorney General Curtis Hill to revelations of insider dealing on veterans’ assistance grants. And she adds incidents which met legal and ethical rules but have drawn scrutiny anyway, including Holcomb’s flight on a casino developer’s private jet last year, and House Speaker Brian Bosma’s legal work for Vigo County before Terre Haute began its successful pursuit of a casino license. Bosma recused himself from voting on or presiding over the casino debate.

Gary Senator Eddie Melton has already formed an exploratory committee but hasn’t announced a final decision on running. Former state health commissioner Woody Myers has said he’s looking at the race too.