WASHINGTON, D.C.–Both of Indiana’s senators have said they believe Congress should at least examine whether they should take back powers to declare war. A provision of the National Defense Authorization Act would repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force Act (AUMF), passed after the Sept. 11, attacks.
“Really the primary power is with Congress,” said Heather Brandon Smith, with the Friends Committee on National Legislation. That group is asking lawmakers to change back to the way the powers were before the AUMF was passed.
“What Congress really should be doing now is debating and voting on the scope of the wars that we’re in, and the best way for Congress to do that is repeal the law that really started all of this.”
Sen. Mike Braun pointed out that for the past 18 years war powers have evolved, to where the president is now wielding most of the power to take military action.
“I think the president needs the flexibility to do it, but I also think the Congress ought to take more responsibility where it’s given it up over time,” said Braun. “That would take a little bit of time to re-energize a body that’s not been doing a good job at many things.”
Smith said the administration is using the AUMF to say it has the authority to go to war with Iran.
“What we want to see is a return, where the president actually comes to Congress when he wants to go to war…and Congress goes and takes a vote on that,” she said.
She pointed out that Sen. Rand Paul authored the amendment id the NDAA, that would repeal the 2001 law, and clearly give the war power back to Congress. Braun has said he will not be voting for this year’s NDAA, but for financial reasons.
“I think whenever we take the big move of going in, we need to declare war. It needs to be done with Congress’ approval,” said Braun.
Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash