ACLU And Planned Parenthood Explain Opposition To Abortion Law


INDIANAPOLIS–A law that would require anyone under 18, trying to have an abortion to get at least one parent’s permission was kept from going into effect by a preliminary injunction, upheld by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Another part of the same law (SEA404), would require the court to notify parents if a child gets an abortion with the court’s order.

The state can appeal the ruling within 14 days of the decision (Tuesday).

The ACLU of Indiana and Planned Parenthood explained why they challenged the law in a news conference Wednesday.

The 2017 law, passed by the Indiana legislature, would burden a minor’s ability to obtain an abortion by allowing parents to be notified, even in cases in which a judge has determined that a young woman is mature enough to make the decision herself, the court ruled.

The evidence in the case demonstrated that the notice provision might lead to young women being harmed or harming themselves, said the ACLU in a news release.

“This decision affirms that the state must continue to provide a safe alternative for young women who, whatever their circumstances, are unable to talk to their parents about this difficult and personal decision,” said Ken Falk, ACLU attorney.

“Legislators need to stop targeting women with invasive hurdles and start respecting the rights of all Hoosiers to make their own personal medical decisions. These heavy-handed restrictions would have burdened young women’s constitutional rights and put their health and safety at risk,” he said.

Falk said 96 percent of young women who are under 18 have permission when they get an abortion. The other four percent may be in some kind of danger if their parents find out, he said.

“In terms of raw numbers we’re talking maybe ten or so women a year who are getting bypasses in Indiana,” said Falk. “But, as the court recognized…Constitutional rights exist even when only a few people are being affected.”

Indiana has had at least five abortion laws blocked or thrown out since 2016.

Planned Parenthood