Most Fetal Remains Found In Deceased Doctors Home Are From Indiana


INDIANAPOLIS – Medical records confirm most of the fetal remains found in an Illinois doctor’s garage were from three Indiana abortion clinics.

Ulrich Klopfer performed abortions in Gary, Fort Wayne, and South Bend for more than two decades until his license was suspended in 2016. His family discovered the preserved remains turned up in his garage after his death two weeks ago.

Attorney General Curtis Hill calls the discovery troubling, but says it’s not clear whether it was illegal or not. He says his office is investigating whether anyone helped Klopfer take the remains. He says the office is also working to secure Klopfer’s patient records to ensure privacy, and assess whether those records provide any evidence of child molesting. He notes Klopfer’s license suspension involved the failure to properly report an abortion performed on a 10-year-old girl.

Indiana passed a law in 2016 requiring the burial or cremation of fetal remains, but Hill says all the remains in Klopfer’s possession were from between 2000 and 2002. That also means the statute of limitations has expired for any charge involving the handling of remains and records, though not necessarily for any sexual assaults documented by the records.

Indiana’s making arrangements to ship the remains home for proper disposal.

Hill says Klopfer’s family has cooperated with the investigation.