Experts Say To Get The Flu Shot For You And For Others


WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — You’ve heard about how important it is to get the flu shot this time of the year.

The Centers for Disease Control recommends everyone over the age of six months get a flu shot.

However, not everyone takes that advice.

Libby Richards, associate professor of nursing at Purdue University, says she sees the anti-vaccination posts from some on social media, just like everyone else.

Libby Richards Purdue University

“But, I’ve seen more positive media messages about getting the flue shot,” she said. “Sharing messages and stories about getting vaccinated, instead of the messages that are more anti-vaccination.”

Professor Richards says when you get the flu shot, you’re not just doing it for yourself, but for others as well.

“There are lots of people in our population that simply aren’t able to be vaccinated,” she said. “They depend on other people in their community to be vaccinated.”

Richards says a great example of that is a group of college students.

“They tend to be in a lot of social situations, interact with a lot of people, and live in close proximity to one another,” she said. “So, if one person gets sick, it’s very easy to spread the flu.”

Richards says the numbers should be enough encouragement to get the flu shot — 70,000 Americans die from the flu each year.