INDIANAPOLIS — Fall brings foliage, frost on the pumpkin, and lots and lots of deer.
It’s rutting season, which means deer are very active. Mating season for whitetail deer runs from mid-October through early December.
When deer are out looking for mates, they can venture onto roadways — especially at night — and cause crashes.
In 2018, there were more than 14,300 crashes involving deer in Indiana, according to Indiana State Police Sgt. Todd Ringle.

Tips for Avoiding Deer-Car Collisions
– Be especially attentive during the highest risk-times for car-deer crashes: Ffrom midnight to sunset and during the hours before and after sunrise.
– Use high-beams if driving at night, when there is no oncoming traffic.
– Know that deer seldom run alone! If you see one, there are probably more.
What to Do If You See a Deer in the Road
– Don’t veer for deer — hitting the deer is safer than trying to avoid it!
– Slow down and blow your horn in one long blast to scare the deer away.
– Brake firmly and stay in your lane when you notice a deer in your lane.
– Always wear your seatbelt.
If you hit a deer, don’t touch it. A frightened and wounded deer can hurt you or further injure itself, says the – Insurance Information Institute.
The best thing to do if you hit a deer is to get your car off of the road, if possible, and call the police. You will also need to contact your insurance agent to report the accident.