WASHINGTON, D.C.–Fifty CBD manufacturers have been warned by the FDA to stop making false promises about what their product can do for people. You’re being warned that CBD products may not contain what’s on the label or may even be dangerous.
“we really are warning Indiana residents to be concerned, be wary and avoid these products until they’ve been tested by the FDA,” said Patricia Kelmar, director of Health Policy for the National Consumers League. She said they are leading an effort to stop people from using CBD products, until the FDA approves them with scientific testing.
CBD oil was made legal to sell, even without FDA approval, by the Indiana legislature in 2017.
“We see CBD in products ranging from food like tea and honey and chocolate, to oils and lotion, even pet treats and gummies,” said Kelmar. “None of the products that are on the market today have been approved or reviewed by the FDA.”
The exception is a drug that was approved in 2018 to treat childhood epilepsy. It contains a purified CBD oil, and the approval was praised by Indiana Atty. Gen. Curtis Hill, long an opponent of marijuana or derivatives.
Kelmar said that products shouldn’t be trusted just because of what’s on the label.
“People in Indiana might be seeing CBD products on the shelf and assume they’re safe. But, they can’t just rely on that fact that they’re on the shelf,” said Kelmar. “All CBD has at least some level of THC, which is the psychoactive element that causes a high.”
Indiana forbids CBD products to be sold that have more than a trace of THC.
“One test of 240 of the top selling CBD products found that 70 percent were contaminated with substances like lead arsenic, herbicides, pesticides and even toxic mold,” she said.
Kelmar said the FDA has already warned pregnant and breastfeeding women not to use the products, by the NCL believes no one should use the products until they have scientifically-backed, FDA approval, which she said could take several years.
Photo by Caleb Simpson on Unsplash