Indiana Senators Young And Braun Talk About Their Impeachment Votes


INDIANAPOLIS – The Senate appears likely to begin the third presidential impeachment trial in its history next month. Indiana’s senators are approaching it in different ways.

Republican Todd Young says he’s watched or read some of the witness testimony in the House, but hasn’t drawn any conclusions — he notes so far, the impeachment articles haven’t been written, much less approved. If and when President Trump is impeached, he says he’ll do his “due diligence” in evaluating the evidence.

Young does say it’s disappointing the House vote appears likely to be almost entirely on party lines. Only two congressmen broke ranks on the vote to authorize the impeachment inquiry. Young says even Democratic leaders have said a partisan impeachment would be bad for the country.

Republican Mike Braun has stated for months he’ll vote against conviction. He’s repeatedly dismissed the impeachment effort as sour grapes over the 2016 election, including in an appearance last month on a podcast hosted by former Trump advisers Steve Bannon and Jason Miller.

If the House does impeach, it’ll be the first time Indiana’s senators deciding whether to remove a president have been from the same party. In both previous impeachment votes, on Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, both Indiana’s senators voted with their parties.