INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Ivy Tech Community College announced that it will extend the delivery of courses virtually through the remainder of the current semester. Courses will restart March 23 and conclude May 16, all being offered virtually.
Ivy Tech locations will remain open to allow students to access computer labs and to provide essential services such as advising, financial aid and access to faculty in a face-to-face format. Accommodations will be made for labs, clinicals and some technology courses to meet in groups of 10 or less if safety of all involved through social distancing can be assured. Information regarding such meetings will be provided to students from their faculty. Some faculty and staff will continue to be on location to provide assistance.

“While our students were on spring break we continuously monitored the coronavirus pandemic, the CDC guidelines, and weighed all options. Our focus is always on the safety and academic success of our students. At this time, given the escalating cases in Indiana and across the country, we believe that offering our courses virtually through the end of the semester is now the most viable alternative considering we currently offer nearly half of our courses online today,” Ivy Tech President Sue Ellspermann said.
Ivy Tech will continue to post updates at www.ivytech.edu/COVID-19