INDIANAPOLIS–You can be assured that stores will get the items you’re looking for back on the shelves, even though some of those shelves were empty this weekend, said Eric Halverson, spokesperson for Kroger in Indiana. He said the supply chain is strong and shelves are being restocked as trucks come in.

“Normally the system works tremendously well,” he said. “It’s just that right now with what we might call the panic-buying or hoarding the system trying to forecast some of those demands is proving to be a little more challenging than usual.”
Halverson said that at least with Kroger, things are getting better every day. He said that during a conference call Monday morning with corporate management, he was convinced that the people who buy for the store are doing a good job at shoring up their supply lines.
“For the people who are nervous about stocking up, you can be assured that the shelves will be back to normal as soon as we can get them there,” he said.
While the president and vice president over the weekend, assured Americans that we have the most efficient and effective supply chain in the world, Halverson said that the plentitude of food available for the store to buy is proof.
“But what you need. There’s no need to hoard. There’s plenty of food in the system. It’s just that because of the demand it takes a little while to catch up and balance things out and reach the proper equilibrium.”
Halverson said he was glad to see a good example from a friend on Twitter who was at the store after baby wipes.
“She bought some but left some on the shelf because she knew there would be another young mom behind her somewhere who would want some.” He called the woman a role model.
Halverson praised Gov. Eric Holcomb for earlier lifting some restrictions on truck drivers that allow them to haul more than the standard 80,000 lbs., so they can get more on the trucks and headed for the stores.