WASHINGTON–The United States has reached a “turning point” in testing people for the coronavirus, says U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams.
Adams, the former Indiana State Health Commissioner, was a guest on “Fox and Friends” Monday morning.

“The turning point was last Thursday when the FDA approved a new rapid throughput test which will exponentially increase the amount of tests that can be run,” Adams said.
Adams said that the United States’ mortality rate numbers are similar to that of Italy “two weeks ago.”
“We have a choice to make as a nation: Do we want to go the direction of South Korea and really be aggressive and lower our mortality rates, or do we want to go the direction of Italy?”
The number of people infected with the coronavirus in Italy increased Sunday, recording over 3,500 cases in its largest single-day increase of infections to date.
Italy’s Civil Protection chief Angelo Borrelli announced the 3,590 new COVID-19 cases topped the previous day’s increase by nearly 100. The total number of cases jumped to over 24,700.
“There’s every hope that will be South Korea. If people actually listen, socially distance themselves, and if people do the basic public health measures that we’ve all been talking about as doctors,” Adams said.
He also discussed the possibility for a vaccine.
“A vaccine is not going to save the day, at least this first go around. The vaccine will be helpful if we can get it developed, assuming coronavirus comes back next year,” Adams said.
Adams continues tor recommend washing your hands and staying away from people who are sick.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay