TERRE HAUTE, Ind – Indiana State University on Thursday released details of its plan for a phased-in return to summer on-campus operations.
The university says that their plans are consistent with the governor’s Back on Track Indiana Roadmap, and include a list titled ISU General Safeguards for Campus Employees and Departments. The numerous safeguards include barriers between workstations where social distancing is impossible and increased cleaning of high-contact surfaces and items in common areas.

“University officials made these plans carefully and in consultation with student, faculty, and staff leadership,” ISU President Deborah J. Curtis said. “We will modify these plans as necessary based on guidance from government health agencies.”
A brief summary of the phased-in return:
- May 4-23 — Faculty and staff work remotely as much as possible. Members of the President’s cabinet develop plans for waves of employees to return to campus each Monday through July 6. Employees in facilities management and other areas return to campus to prepare facilities to meet state and federal requirements on social distancing and cleaning. ISU buildings remain closed other than by appointment.
- May 24 – June 13 — Staff begin returning in small waves each Monday, continuing through July 3. Faculty are requested to continue working remotely and limit visits to campus.
- June 14 – July 3 —Faculty are requested to continue working remotely and limit visits to campus. Selected university buildings will open after appropriate safety measures have been adopted.
- July 4 – August 1 — Faculty may return to campus as necessary. Updated ISU General Safeguards will be issued based on guidance from government health agencies.
- August 1 and beyond — Subject to guidance from governmental and health authorities, faculty, student staff, and students may return to campus. Plans for fall instruction and activities will be developed with the engagement of shared governance units and campus leaders.
More information is available on these web pages:
Sycamores Back on Track: Information for Campus Employees
Sycamores Back on Track: Information for Student Employees