WASHINGTON — Indiana Senator Mike Braun joined other Republicans Wednesday in a press conference discussing the debt ceiling. With him were Senators Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Rick Scott.
They discussed how the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives will attempt to stop spending that is driving inflation in the nation.
The U.S. reached it’s maximum debt limit of just over $31 trillion dollars on January 19th. The Treasury Department says the deadline to keep the country running will arrive June 5th. The question raised by both Republicans and Democrats is if House Leader Kevin McCarthy can raise enough votes for any negotiation on the debt limit.
Tuesday, Braun spoke how President Biden’s current budget plan doesn’t include hidden costs such as interest rates. “The only politician who’s had the nerve to put a budget out has been President Biden. He – unapologetically about it – shows us from this 31 trillion in debt, taking us to 45 trillion in just 10 years.”
Braun says that the spending can be traced back to Democratic control of the government spending too much. He says the current amount that is being spent on interest is the same as the Democrats’ Omnibus Spending Bill, which is adding to the inflation rate.
“The heavy weight of that burden will be unescapable, it will be painful,” Senator Braun said, “If you don’t…exercise a little political discipline and will, quit trying to please everyone, and that means defense and domestic and maybe you’ll get the ship turned in the right direction.”