Bucshon co-sponsors Truth in Healthcare Marketing Act

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representatives Larry Bucshon, M.D. (R-Ind.-08) and David Scott (D-Ga.-13) introduced the Truth in Healthcare Marketing Act, which would make it illegal to make misleading or deceptive claims about holding a State healthcare license, while also requiring advertisers to disclose the license that allows them to provide the service they are advertising.

“As a practicing physician for more than 15 years, I know just how foundational trust is to the patient-physician relationship. Patients are, in certain cases, literally trusting their healthcare provider to help them make life-or-death decisions.  Therefore, it is critical that patients can be confident that they are placing their trust in qualified healthcare providers,” said Dr. Bucshon. “My bipartisan Truth in Healthcare Marketing Act would help reduce misinformation and protect patients by ensuring those making claims about healthcare are qualified individuals.”

“Now more than ever, trust in our healthcare system must be strengthened to reassure every American that the care they receive is of the highest quality possible. Rampant disinformation has created an air of despair for patients across Georgia and the nation, including those with long-term complications or with limited medical expertise. The only way to combat this disservice is to provide clarity and transparency for patients, ensuring that medical advice from qualified professionals is not clouded by misinformation. I believe the Truth in Healthcare Marketing Act takes a significant step in the right direction by guarding against misleading licensing ads and deceptive practitioners,” said Congressman Scott