Bids received for Brazil splash pad


Photo: Illustration only

By Frank Phillips/DLC Media News

BRAZIL – The splash pad at Forest Park is expected to be completed this year, said Janet McClellan, Planning and Zoning Administrator.

Bids were opened at Wednesday’s meeting of the Board of Public Works and Safety. Bids were received from three companies.

Those bids were turned over the Kristy Jerrell, grant writer, for review and action is expected to be taken at the March 8 meeting of the Board of Public Works and Safety.

There is a basketball goal on the site of the new splash pad. It will be moved to a better location, said Mayor Brian Wyndham. The basketball goal will be between the walking track and the comfort station at Forest Park.

In other business, easements will be sought for the U.S. 40 water project to connect the city and the water wells east of Brazil.