BRAZIL — U.S. ally South Korea will send public safety K-9 teams to train this summer at the Indiana Sheriffs’ Youth Ranch, the nonprofit’s officers announced today.
“Two dozen police and fire canine handlers have asked to utilize our 62-acre training retreat, which features classroom space and comfortable lodging in addition to three lakes, open, rolling and wooded areas,” said Vigo County Sheriff John Plasse, ISYR president.
South Korean canine teams will be co-hosted by the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, which headquarters its statewide Search & Rescue Training Center on ISYR’s property in rural West Central Indiana. When not in use by K-12 and college students, the Youth Ranch is made available for specialized public safety training, including by fire fighters, dive teams, drone pilots and task forces, former Clark County Sheriff and current ISYR Vice President Jamey Noel said.
“We’ve now been honored the past few years to engage more than 2,500 Indiana youth and host hundreds of public safety officials from throughout the state and across the nation,” said Cass County Sheriff Ed Schroder who serves as ISYR secretary. “To date, our farthest youth visitor was from Ukraine and farthest adult guest was from Argentina. In August, we will add South Koreans to our list of working partners and friends.”
John Jones, treasurer of the Youth Ranch and owner of Southeast Indiana’s John Jones Auto Group, said the South Korean request points to the excellent reputation and facilities IDHS and ISYR share. “As we expand indoor and outdoor training spaces and overnight accommodations, we anticipate more and more students and first responders will utilize our unique academy.”