Different project will cost $300,000 more than grant
Frank Phillips / DLC Media News
BRAZIL – A contract was approved Wednesday to build a splash pad at Forest Park.
The most responsive and responsible bid to build the splash pad was $658,000. Once construction begins, the splash pad should be completed in 140 days.
The question was asked, “Will the water be recycled?”
The answer for the time being is “No.” It will go down the drain to the water treatment plant.
Water in the splash pad will be motion activated by a sensor and will only run while people are using it.
Plans are in the works to put in equipment to recycle the water but that will cost “a couple hundred thousand,” Janet McClellan said, speaking for the park board.
“This is not much different than the pool,” said Ruthann Jeffries, former president of the park board. Water has to be added to the pool daily, she said.
“This is exciting,” Jeffries said about the splash pad.
The city has been working to get a splash pad for four years, McClellan said.
In other business:
A contract was awarded to Plant Brothers Excavating and Construction for a storm water improvements project to be installed behind the the hospital.
The project is funded largely by a grant from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) but the most responsive and responsible bid was $300,000 more than the OCRA grant.
Plant Brothers engineers are looking way to reduce the cost, said Tony Ackles of Strand Engineering, but the city will also have to come up with more money for the project.
Ackles reviewed the four bids received for the project on behalf of the city.
The board also approved the donation of land at 130 N. Charles B. Hall Street. The city was approached by the property owner who lives out of town and no longer wanted to pay property taxes on it, said attorney Traci Orman.
The vacant lot is near the former Turner Trailer Court which is now vacant and owned by the city.
The city has no immediate plans for the use of either lot, McClellan said.
The next meeting of the Board of Public Works and Safety is scheduled for 10 a.m., May 10, in City Hall.