4th of July went well, park getting new basketball court


BRAZIL – The Brazil Rotary Club Fourth of July Celebration went well in spite of storm damage at Forest Park, said Parks Superintendent Marv Moon at the Parks Board meeting.

“We have been overwhelmed,” he  said. But the 4th of July celebration went well.

“Everything went smooth, except for, obviously, the storm.,” he said. “This year actually was the smoothest I’ve ever seen it.”

Forest Park in Brazil is getting a new basketball court. The old one had to be taken down to make room for a new splash pad.

The dirt base for the new court arrived Tuesday. Then comes the concrete floor. But Parks Superintendent Marv Moon said he is not comfortable with the possible cost.

An estimate will be made by the contractor and if it is $2,000 or less, it can be installed without further action by the parks board.