Many households benefit from meat giveaway

Mike Robinson and Mayor Brian Wyndham pass out bags of frozen beef and hams to people from hundreds of households on Tuesday. Those people had lost much in storms in June. (Frank Phillips photo)

By Frank Phillips / DLC Media News

BRAZIL – On Tuesday, hundreds of pounds of frozen meat was distributed to Clay County residents thanks to a $10,000 donation from the Duke Energy Foundation.

Mike Robinson of the Clay County Emergency Food Pantry and Mayor Brian Wyndham handed out bags of food to people in hundreds of vehicles as they drove through Forest Park at the Cow Palace.


Robinson, Wyndham and people in two of the cars expressed appreciation for the donation by the Duke Energy Foundation. Mike Robinson said this was not the first food distribution he participated in.

This was the 10th such food distribution sponsored by the City of Brazil, Brazil Planning Director Janet McClellan told us in July. The last distribution of food, toiletries and other items benefited more than 200 households.

All of the products were given away in earlier distributions and McClellan expects all of the beef and hams will be distributed this time, too.