Clay County Community Corrections Board accepts revisions and puts all Standard Operating Procedures in writing


By Frank Phillips

DLC Media News

BRAZIL – Jordan Forquer, Clay County Community Corrections Executive Director, received permission from the Corrections Advisory Board on Wednesday to update Standard Operating Procedures. In some cases, procedures were written down for the first time. 

“Over the last two years we’ve almost doubled our clients within the county, so there needed to be a more defined procedure on our operations so that we could do our job and serve the community to the best of our abilities,” Forquer said. “Our goal is not only to make an impact on the clients and help them re-direct their lives and be successful in the community but we also want to be effective in the community. By implementing these SOPS we are able to maximize our operations to the best of our abilities and do what we are supposed to do.”

Before coming to the Clay County office, Forquer worked in the Indiana Department of Corrections for almost nine years. 

Community Corrections clients may live in Clay County but they are part of the Indiana Department of Corrections and they are monitored within the community. 

One reason to put the standard operating procedures in writing was to be sure the procedures are followed uniformly for each person. 

“I appreciate we are getting this in writing” to avoid complaints, said Clay County Prosecuting Attorney Emily Clarke. 

The next meeting of the advisory board will be Sept. 13th at noon in the Clay County Community Corrections office on Jackson Street next to the Justice Center.