By Frank Phillips / DLC Media News
BRAZIL – Drivers of off road vehicles will have to pay closer attention to rules for riding on Clay County highways or face stiffer penalties.
On Monday, Clay County Commissioners passed an ordinance that doesn’t change the rules but increases fines substantially, as Commissioner Marty Heffner read the new ordinance.
In other business before the commissioners —
Grant applications were approved for the WIC program from Susan Keating, Soil and Water Conservation District from Laura Demarest, and Health First Indiana from Kim Hyatt.
Renewal of a contract that has saved the county’s IV-D (4-D) program money by listing expenses that were reimbursed by the State of Indiana.
Renewal of a rental agreement between the WIC office and the Armory.
Acceptance of a router agreement for the Recorder’s office.
Accepted a memorandum of understanding with THRIVE West Central.
Approval of a a job description for an additional part time jail maintenance person.
During comments:
A resident complained about dust control on county roads, saying it is her understanding the county has to pay the total cost of dust control. Currently, the county and the property owners split the cost.
Am Air-Evac representative asked commissioners if they have considered offering membership to all county employees. Commissioner Paul Sinders said that matter is still under consideration.
The Clay County Commissioners will next meet in regular sessions at 9 a.m. on September 5th in the Clay County Courthouse.