Three Local Schools Make Four-Star List


<![CDATA[INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) announced today the 2017-2018 Four Star Schools. Created by IDOE, the Four Star Schools designation recognizes great schools in Indiana.
“Receiving designation as a Four-Star School reflects academic excellence among students, educators, and the administration,” said Dr. Jennifer McCormick, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction. “I am honored to recognize these Four-Star Schools for their hard work and dedication in preparing their students for a bright and prosperous future.”
The Four-Star School Award has been in existence for over 30 years. To receive Four Star designation, a school must receive an “A” on the state’s A-F accountability system and have excellent ISTEP pass rates. A total of 234 schools received the award.
Locally three schools in our immediate area made the list:

ClayCommunitySchools JacksonTownshipElementarySchool Brazil
ClayCommunitySchools StauntonElementarySchool Brazil

VigoCountySchoolCorp                    DixieBeeElementarySchool                    TerreHaute
For more information regarding the Four Star School Award, visit:
To view a complete list of recognized schools, please visit:
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