Indiana Senator Mike Braun Talks About The Economy


WASHINGTON, D.C.–Trade is not the driving force of this economy, so the talk you’re hearing about tariffs on China is not as relevant as other actions by Pres. Trump, said Sen. Mike Braun. He was on CNBC Trading Turmoil, Tuesday.

“What’s driving this economy, and believe me, I’ve had a business for 38 years. It’s never been hotter and it’s not due to trade. What’s driving things is tax reform and rolling back regulations,” said Braun.

He said trade is becoming more important every year “due to the nature of a global economy”.

Braun said former Vice Pres. Joe Biden’s economic plan is rooted in the Obama plan, which Braun dissed as “the doldrums”.

“None of us as entrepreneurs were looking optimistically into the future with the Obama plan.”

Braun said some of the plans from Democrat candidates for president are scary to him.

“And if you look at some of the stuff they’re rolling o9ut now, with the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, free college tuition, that oughtta frighten a lot of people,” he said.