Salvation Army Asks For Help In Final Days Before Christmas


TERRE HAUTE, Ind – Volunteers wanted for all locations now through Christmas Eve from 9 am to 3 pm. The Salvation Army is asking you to give your time. Go to:

They are collecting 3-4 lb hams, small box potatoes, small scalloped potatoes and canned vegetables for Seniors and single Adult households who already pre-qualify and have been selected to receive a food box. You can drop off monetary donations or food donations by Dec.19 at the front social service entrance between 9 am and 3:30 pm. No phone calls please.

Be- A- Kettle Booster-Drop a check in any kettle of your choice between today-Dec.24. Call Envoy Sue Linden at 812-249-9986 for further details. Checks are payable: The Salvation Army Vigo County, 234 S. 8th street, IN 47807

The Kettle Campaign is from the community and for the community. Each year they serve several families who are unable to pay utilities or rent. These families are at the 150% poverty level. They turn to the Salvation Army after the eviction or shut off notice. Donatoins help to keep these people from becoming homeless.

To learn more about The Salvation Army, call Envoy Sue Linden at 812-249-9986 or