Report Shows Getting Treatment For Opioid Addiction Is Not Easy


INDIANAPOLIS–Even though many people who are addicted to opioids are being treated, getting treatment is not without its difficulties, said a new report commissioned by the Fairbanks Foundation in Indianapolis. The report said people are still having a tough time with the stigma that exists about opioid use.

“Accessing treatment for oipoid use disorder can be confusing and complicated,” said Fairbanks Foundation CEO Claire Fiddian-Green, talking to Inside Indiana Business.

Fairbanks Foundation CEO Claire Fiddian-Green

She said not only is there stigma, or are people who are hooked on opioids looked at negatively, but cost and other barriers like access to transportation, prevents people who need treatment from getting it or being able to get it when they need it most.

“Treatment providers have made positive strides over the past few years, improving access to treatment,” she said. “But, we really need to continue to address confusion and complexities within the system, tackle barriers around access and cost and combat the stigma that persists,” she said.

Fiddian-Green said some of the confusion involves what people read online about treatment centers and the different information they may get when they actually call.

“So, we need to make sure that the information being provided is consistent and helpful for the person when they’re calling and in need of treatment,” she said.

She also said some of the hours of operation of treatment centers in the state don’t match what people need.

Richard M Fairbanks Foundation








Cover Image by Aloísio Costa Latgé ACL from Pixabay