House Delays Their Return To Capitol; Senate Says They Will Be Back On May 4th

House leaders announced on Tuesday that a plan to return to normal legislative business next week will be delayed, despite the Senate planning to resume work on May 4.

“We will not be meeting next week,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) told reporters, citing rising Coronavirus case numbers in the Washington, D.C. metro area. “The numbers in the District of Columbia are still going up, so there’s not a flattening of the curve. We made a judgment that we will not come back next week, but that we hope to come back very soon.” Hoyer added.

In the meantime, talks will continue between the two parties on possible changes to House rules to make it easier to conduct business during the pandemic. The decision by House Democrats means there will be a split in the Capitol, as the House will continue to hold off on legislative work, while the Senate is slated to return on Monday, May 4th.

House scraps plans to return to the Capitol while Senate forges ahead


Editorial credit: Sharkshock /