Tim Maniscalo with the Better Business Bureau talks about more pandemic related scams as well as other scams going on right now.


Dave Crooks interviews Abdul-Hakim Shabazz. Abdul is the creator of IndyPolitics.org and a WIBC Statehouse Reporter. This wide-ranging interview will give listeners an update on the issues facing the Indiana General Assembly as well as the latest in politics around the Hoosier State.


Former Indiana State Police PIO Sgt. Joe Watts talks about his retirement and how police work has changed over the past 30 years.


Tim Maniscalo President/CEO of the Better Business Bureau of Central Indiana discussed back to school and how shoppers need to be aware of scam websites.  He also discussed how some birth certificate websites don't deliver.

If you need help, be careful what number you call you may not get the real Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, etc.

He also discussed how a work from home reshipping scam is fooling job seekers.
