Tim Maniscalo with the Better Business Bureau, discuss new scams in 2021 including how new stimulus checks could trigger more scams, a Free Netflix scam, selling used items online.. look out and some New Year's resolutions
Tim Maniscalo with the Better Business Bureau, discuss new scams in 2021 including how new stimulus checks could trigger more scams, a Free Netflix scam, selling used items online.. look out and some New Year's resolutions
Tim Maniscalo President/CEO of the Better Business Bureau of Central Indiana discussed back to school and how shoppers need to be aware of scam websites. He also discussed how some birth certificate websites don't deliver.
If you need help, be careful what number you call you may not get the real Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, etc.
He also discussed how a work from home reshipping scam is fooling job seekers.
Marsha Miller and Bionca Gambill from the League of Women Voters spoke about the Women's Equality Day March on August 27th on the campus of Indiana State University.
Tammi Silverman of the Indiana Youth Institute on the Kids County Data Book and what it shows about kids in Indiana and the stress that kids deal with at the start of the new school year