Max Winchell, DNR Conservation Officer, discusses summer water safety and the job of a conservation officer.
Focus on the Community: Summer Water Safety
Focus on the Community: Summer Water Safety
Max Winchell, DNR Conservation Officer, discusses summer water safety and the job of a conservation officer.
Have you been wondering what is really going on with our US and World Economy? Hear from Economist Morton Marcus on this weekends Focus on the Community with Dave Crooks. Its a wide-ranging interview you need to hear.
Rick Burger with Duke Energy discusses energy savings.
Most Volunteer Fire Departments are struggling to find Firemen. Tune in Focus on the Community this weekend and hear from Van Buren Township Chief, Pete Taylor and Cody Ray Barnard as they discuss todays challenges with Dave Crooks, as well as a special Open House coming up at the Harmony Firehouse on Saturday, August 13th from 4pm-8pm created to help recruit more volunteers to protect our community.