Terre Haute Fire Chief, Jeff Fisher, spoke with us about fall safety, how you need to clean and check your furnace, and also about how you should check and make sure you have smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors that work. Fisher also spoke about the Terre Haute Fire Department's new ambulance.



Clay Sheriff Paul Hardin, Gregg Bass with the Brazil Police Department, and Sarah Cox with St. Vincent Clay Hospital, talk about upcoming Clay County Drug Take Back Day


Tami Silverman of Indiana Youth Institute talks about the Promise Indiana Program: How to get young kids as early as elementary school to realize what they have the potential to grow up to be and how to set goals and get there.


Dave Crooks interviews Katlyn Wells and Dawn Creech of Parke and Vermillion County Court Appointed Special Advocate. (CASA). Learn more about CASA including details on a special CASA Training Seminar in Clinton Feb 26th.
